Sex Ed.

Lesson 1: How to be a Virgin “Are you a virgin?” A group of nine-year-old boys gathered around Perri, the freckled fourth-grade whore, under the school terrace. It was recess and I found myself, the friend-of-a-friend of one of the… Continue Reading

About Lauren Sawyer

Lauren is a graduate of The Seattle School who loves contemporary literature and poets who don’t rhyme. She often sympathizes with Dorothy Parker’s saying, “I hate writing; I love to have written.” Read more of Lauren’s written work at

The Bleeding Boy

My mom, brother, and I were at the local pool. It was just a block from our house, so we would go there often to play on the slides and see who could hold their breath the longest. It’s interesting… Continue Reading

About Megan Peters

Megan Peters is a third year MATC student. She is studying the impact of trauma on the body and restoration through healing touch. She loves yoga, dancing, coffee, and pupppiiieeess!!!

The Voice and the Diaper

The first time I remember hearing the voice of God I was under water. I don’t mean the spooky kind of thundering voice from the sky or anything like that, not the kind with too much reverb that yells at… Continue Reading

About Sean Hall

Sean is a pastor, musician, and writer in the New Parish movement and is currently in the Masters of Theology and Culture program at The Seattle School. He pastors Fountain Parish, an innovative neighborhood faith community in Bellingham, WA. Find out more at or

The Catcher

“What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff—I mean if they’re running and they don’t look where they’re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them.” –Holden… Continue Reading

About Lauren Sawyer

Lauren is a graduate of The Seattle School who loves contemporary literature and poets who don’t rhyme. She often sympathizes with Dorothy Parker’s saying, “I hate writing; I love to have written.” Read more of Lauren’s written work at