Half-Breed Monsters Step Out from Deep Unknown

blinds knower in blaze of
“you are”:
You are White,
You are Native,
You are much,
You are small.
I ….. am ….. more ….. than ….. two ….. parts,
mixed from very beginning of knowing,
mixed with mother’s, father’s pains
groping toward sensation,
falling back
through realms of night.
They did not
what they were dying for.
They died.
I live.
Torch held within
our darkest caves,
ghouls desire us
they cannot stand our fire.
We scream
each for our own reasons.
I heave us into daylight.
we monsters longingly,
see ourselves and weep.

About Julene Pommert

Julene is a 5th-year MACP student, wife of a wonderful White man, mother of two teenaged boys, homeschooler, Ph.D., Native-White, in the true prime of life of after 50, identical twin, and increasingly inquisitive one swimming in seas of what may be love.

Julene Pommert

Julene is a 5th-year MACP student, wife of a wonderful White man, mother of two teenaged boys, homeschooler, Ph.D., Native-White, in the true prime of life of after 50, identical twin, and increasingly inquisitive one swimming in seas of what may be love.

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